Oh look it’s the guy with the tongue piercing from Rat Race™
Man, I loved that film. This must be pre-Rat Race, as he has no piercing. And is also one of Ross’s students. Why do all of Ross’s students look thirty? Perhaps it’s a post-doc class…
At least that’ll make it less dodgy the next time he sleeps with one.
Which could happen again here, as Mr Rat Race confesses to mucking up his paper because he fancies Ross. Ross of course is AT PAINS to make it clear he is not gay.
Although he does give the guy a better grade.
I never slept with any tutors at Uni. On account of my lack of dazzling wit, and spots and green hair. But I did get off with a teaching assistant on an archaeological dig in my final year. It’s true what they say “Archaeologists do it in the field”.
Anyway, it turns out the guy was lying to Ross! Who’s pretty upset about it for someone who isn’t gay...
We found out Rachel slept with a teacher at Uni too!! Could it be she was only into Ross because she had some unresolved issues? It would explain a lot.
“The One Where I Get A Second Job”
Elsewhere Joey took Rachel and me to the SOAPY awards! Which he mistakenly said has only been going since 1998.
Joey, that’s three years! It’s way more prestigious than you think!
He’s up for an award: “best returning male character”. Which I find odd given he’s playing a female character in a male body. Not sure what’s stranger, that or the fact he even got nominated.
He’s up against stars from quite a few other long running soaps: General Hospital™, The Young and the Restless™, and Passions™. So it’s not a huge surprise when he doesn’t win.
He must have been hitting the sauce again though, as he completely embarrassed himself. First by swearing in anger in front of the camera, then later on when presenting an award to someone from his own show who was a no show. Jessica Ashley (or is it Sami Brady?) couldn’t be bothered to come get, yet another, award so instead Joey started his own acceptance speech. That’s not even the worst of it! Later on he stole the award for himself properly! He really needs to rain in the drinking.
Man, I wish there was an award for committing to an idea well past it’s sell by date. I’d be a shoe in.
Real Live Sitcom Moment:
I’ve been working as a bin man on the side.
After moving, the council appointed bin men didn’t empty my bin for four whole weeks! I’ve always had the utmost respect for bin men. It’s an important job. As I found when my bins weren’t emptied for four weeks.
So when I saw they’d taken my neighbours bin and not mine for the fourth week in a row I thought “let’s be reasonable about this” and jumped in my car to speed off after them.
I caught up and got out my car to find three burly men and realised this was not going to go the way I’d hoped. They told me the reason they weren’t taking the bin is I put it out the front of my house instead of the back, and that meant “I could have more than one bin”. (The only reason my neighbours was out the front is they didn’t have a back).
Here’s a tip, if I’ve got one bin out the front, and none out the back, I have exactly one bin. They refused to come back so I said “OK. If I bring my bin to you right now, can we empty it?”
“Yes, that’s fine.”
I went to get the bin. Ineffectually muttering “I hope you understand I’ll be making a formal complaint” before hauling it the 312 metres to the lorry. The man stopped me as I was about to load it up “don’t do that, I’ll do it”.
Oh yes, I’d hate to do ALL your job for you!
And that’s the story of when I worked as a bin man.
At least that’ll make it less dodgy the next time he sleeps with one.
Which could happen again here, as Mr Rat Race confesses to mucking up his paper because he fancies Ross. Ross of course is AT PAINS to make it clear he is not gay.
Although he does give the guy a better grade.
I never slept with any tutors at Uni. On account of my lack of dazzling wit, and spots and green hair. But I did get off with a teaching assistant on an archaeological dig in my final year. It’s true what they say “Archaeologists do it in the field”.
Anyway, it turns out the guy was lying to Ross! Who’s pretty upset about it for someone who isn’t gay...
We found out Rachel slept with a teacher at Uni too!! Could it be she was only into Ross because she had some unresolved issues? It would explain a lot.
“The One Where I Get A Second Job”
Elsewhere Joey took Rachel and me to the SOAPY awards! Which he mistakenly said has only been going since 1998.
Joey, that’s three years! It’s way more prestigious than you think!
He’s up for an award: “best returning male character”. Which I find odd given he’s playing a female character in a male body. Not sure what’s stranger, that or the fact he even got nominated.
He’s up against stars from quite a few other long running soaps: General Hospital™, The Young and the Restless™, and Passions™. So it’s not a huge surprise when he doesn’t win.
He must have been hitting the sauce again though, as he completely embarrassed himself. First by swearing in anger in front of the camera, then later on when presenting an award to someone from his own show who was a no show. Jessica Ashley (or is it Sami Brady?) couldn’t be bothered to come get, yet another, award so instead Joey started his own acceptance speech. That’s not even the worst of it! Later on he stole the award for himself properly! He really needs to rain in the drinking.
Man, I wish there was an award for committing to an idea well past it’s sell by date. I’d be a shoe in.
Real Live Sitcom Moment:
I’ve been working as a bin man on the side.
After moving, the council appointed bin men didn’t empty my bin for four whole weeks! I’ve always had the utmost respect for bin men. It’s an important job. As I found when my bins weren’t emptied for four weeks.
So when I saw they’d taken my neighbours bin and not mine for the fourth week in a row I thought “let’s be reasonable about this” and jumped in my car to speed off after them.
I caught up and got out my car to find three burly men and realised this was not going to go the way I’d hoped. They told me the reason they weren’t taking the bin is I put it out the front of my house instead of the back, and that meant “I could have more than one bin”. (The only reason my neighbours was out the front is they didn’t have a back).
Here’s a tip, if I’ve got one bin out the front, and none out the back, I have exactly one bin. They refused to come back so I said “OK. If I bring my bin to you right now, can we empty it?”
“Yes, that’s fine.”
I went to get the bin. Ineffectually muttering “I hope you understand I’ll be making a formal complaint” before hauling it the 312 metres to the lorry. The man stopped me as I was about to load it up “don’t do that, I’ll do it”.
Oh yes, I’d hate to do ALL your job for you!
And that’s the story of when I worked as a bin man.