Maybe it’s because I’ve spent a whole week drinking again, thanks to a combination of St Patricks day and family parties, but I’m feeling pretty good right now.
And just as Friends™ is hitting a run of classic episodes!
My spirits have also been lifted by finding out what Marcel’s been up to since Friends™
And by having a bit more time to spend with my partner again. (Cons: getting into trouble for out of context sharing the Everyday Sexism Project on her Facebook™ wall. Pros: Obvious)
But this has meant I’ve had very little time for my Real Live Friends...
“The One Where Blood is Thicker Than Water”
I just found out the phrase “blood is thicker than water” had the opposite meaning originally. The full phrase was “the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”. Meaning bonds of friendship that have been fought for are stronger than those forced upon us.
I suppose it’s another way of saying “you can choose your friends but not your family.” Or as I used to say “you can’t choose your family, and most of your new friendships are determined by whoever your friends choose.”
Not quite as snappy that…
But that blood things interesting, isn’t it? No? I seem to have found a new appreciation for “dad facts” recently. It’s all part of getting older I suppose… That little fear of becoming less interesting. I am getting a little worried about the number of “dad” things coming out of my mouth. The other day we were cleaning out a garage and I picked up a piece of wood and said “there’s just something very satisfying about a good piece of wood.”
Not once, but TWICE, I was about to make a crap joke at one of our family dos, only for my dad to say the exact same thing…
He’s had an interesting few weeks too. When we went out for St Patricks Day (we’re not Irish so, no, I don’t really know why either) there was a drunken woman who kept forcing him to dance against his will. Hopefully his disapproval hints at no risk of my parents splitting like Rachels. Their split is finally confirmed in this episode which, just like my week, is very family centric. The Gellar parents make a return, delivering some home videos, and skilfully managing to avoid lending Monica any money.
These home videos contain a, now iconic, prom video as well as a rather grim Gellar sex tape.
I found this quite a risque joke for Friends™, although it’s quite an awkardly sexy episode in general thanks to yet ANOTHER classic scene: Monica’s horrendous interview for a pervy restauranteur. I’ve never knowingly made a sex tape. I do have one Real Live Friend who has, but I suspect they’d kill me for revealing. Even in this anonymous environment.
I can tell you it isn’t Rachel Number 1, but they win points for matching up to Friends™ too as they once gave me a friendship bracelet. Thankfully not as gaudy as the one Joey gets Chandler. And I’m much happier to call Rachel Number 1 my “bracelet buddy”! (How have they managed to cram so many classic moments into one episode?!)
Despite my worries of becoming more “dad” I should be grateful I’m not going prematurely grey, as one of my cousins is. I thought it looked quite cool though. And, despite not quite having my finger on the pulse, I’ve heard that dyed grey hair is in fashion now? That’s one way fashion isn’t just repeating the 90s!
I suspect they’re going to dye it, despite me trying to convince them to fight the patriarchy and stay natural. I can hardly talk, as I’ve run through most of the spectrum with my hair over the years (including my recent forays into “Iced Chocolate”.)
Appropriately enough, at my prom I had bleached blonde hair (inspired by Buffy the Vampire Slayer™, another classic 90s TV show). The prom video does a great job of capturing those awkward late teenage years, with the pre-nose job Rachel, a first glimpse of fat Monica, and Ross’s bizarre “Lionel Richie” look.
At that time, perhaps inspired by Friends™, I thought I’d found my own “lobster”. Although, to be fair, I'd already gone through quite a few. (Strangely, including my current partner… she must be the real lobster after all.) Looking back now it’s hard to justify that sort of wilful self-confidence you’ll end up with someone. And the scene where Ross attempts to explain the “lobster” thing to Rachel is the most cringey thing I’ve seen in a long time. Unsurprisingly leading to one of the most emphatic rejections I’ve ever seen:
“We are never going to happen. Accept that.”
And yet, the prom video changes all that, as Ross stands at the top of the stairs ready to save Rachels prom. “Hello, is it me you’re looking for?”
It seems a bit of a flimsy reason to get back together but you can’t deny the sweetness of it all.
Still, is it any wonder young boys just don’t get the hint sometimes?
Real Live Sitcom Moment:
I recently got to say a phrase I’ve always wanted to say: “I’ve got to go see a man about a piano.” It’s funny how you never realise you want to say things like that until you get the opportunity. Oh wait, is that ANOTHER dad phrase?! God dammit…
Anyway, my attempts to get a hold of a free piano turned out to be fruitless, as it was too big for my car. I only wish we’d measured it BEFORE hefting the thing all the way out the house.
At least it recreated the Friends™ “PIVOT” moment!
And just as Friends™ is hitting a run of classic episodes!
My spirits have also been lifted by finding out what Marcel’s been up to since Friends™
And by having a bit more time to spend with my partner again. (Cons: getting into trouble for out of context sharing the Everyday Sexism Project on her Facebook™ wall. Pros: Obvious)
But this has meant I’ve had very little time for my Real Live Friends...
“The One Where Blood is Thicker Than Water”
I just found out the phrase “blood is thicker than water” had the opposite meaning originally. The full phrase was “the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”. Meaning bonds of friendship that have been fought for are stronger than those forced upon us.
I suppose it’s another way of saying “you can choose your friends but not your family.” Or as I used to say “you can’t choose your family, and most of your new friendships are determined by whoever your friends choose.”
Not quite as snappy that…
But that blood things interesting, isn’t it? No? I seem to have found a new appreciation for “dad facts” recently. It’s all part of getting older I suppose… That little fear of becoming less interesting. I am getting a little worried about the number of “dad” things coming out of my mouth. The other day we were cleaning out a garage and I picked up a piece of wood and said “there’s just something very satisfying about a good piece of wood.”
Not once, but TWICE, I was about to make a crap joke at one of our family dos, only for my dad to say the exact same thing…
He’s had an interesting few weeks too. When we went out for St Patricks Day (we’re not Irish so, no, I don’t really know why either) there was a drunken woman who kept forcing him to dance against his will. Hopefully his disapproval hints at no risk of my parents splitting like Rachels. Their split is finally confirmed in this episode which, just like my week, is very family centric. The Gellar parents make a return, delivering some home videos, and skilfully managing to avoid lending Monica any money.
These home videos contain a, now iconic, prom video as well as a rather grim Gellar sex tape.
I found this quite a risque joke for Friends™, although it’s quite an awkardly sexy episode in general thanks to yet ANOTHER classic scene: Monica’s horrendous interview for a pervy restauranteur. I’ve never knowingly made a sex tape. I do have one Real Live Friend who has, but I suspect they’d kill me for revealing. Even in this anonymous environment.
I can tell you it isn’t Rachel Number 1, but they win points for matching up to Friends™ too as they once gave me a friendship bracelet. Thankfully not as gaudy as the one Joey gets Chandler. And I’m much happier to call Rachel Number 1 my “bracelet buddy”! (How have they managed to cram so many classic moments into one episode?!)
Despite my worries of becoming more “dad” I should be grateful I’m not going prematurely grey, as one of my cousins is. I thought it looked quite cool though. And, despite not quite having my finger on the pulse, I’ve heard that dyed grey hair is in fashion now? That’s one way fashion isn’t just repeating the 90s!
I suspect they’re going to dye it, despite me trying to convince them to fight the patriarchy and stay natural. I can hardly talk, as I’ve run through most of the spectrum with my hair over the years (including my recent forays into “Iced Chocolate”.)
Appropriately enough, at my prom I had bleached blonde hair (inspired by Buffy the Vampire Slayer™, another classic 90s TV show). The prom video does a great job of capturing those awkward late teenage years, with the pre-nose job Rachel, a first glimpse of fat Monica, and Ross’s bizarre “Lionel Richie” look.
At that time, perhaps inspired by Friends™, I thought I’d found my own “lobster”. Although, to be fair, I'd already gone through quite a few. (Strangely, including my current partner… she must be the real lobster after all.) Looking back now it’s hard to justify that sort of wilful self-confidence you’ll end up with someone. And the scene where Ross attempts to explain the “lobster” thing to Rachel is the most cringey thing I’ve seen in a long time. Unsurprisingly leading to one of the most emphatic rejections I’ve ever seen:
“We are never going to happen. Accept that.”
And yet, the prom video changes all that, as Ross stands at the top of the stairs ready to save Rachels prom. “Hello, is it me you’re looking for?”
It seems a bit of a flimsy reason to get back together but you can’t deny the sweetness of it all.
Still, is it any wonder young boys just don’t get the hint sometimes?
Real Live Sitcom Moment:
I recently got to say a phrase I’ve always wanted to say: “I’ve got to go see a man about a piano.” It’s funny how you never realise you want to say things like that until you get the opportunity. Oh wait, is that ANOTHER dad phrase?! God dammit…
Anyway, my attempts to get a hold of a free piano turned out to be fruitless, as it was too big for my car. I only wish we’d measured it BEFORE hefting the thing all the way out the house.
At least it recreated the Friends™ “PIVOT” moment!