We’re hitting quite the pace as we approach the end of the season!
And now, with this two-parter, I think I’ll go straight on next week too. I’ve still got a lot of catching up to do, and I don’t think it’ll take Rachel two whole weeks to get to London…
“The One With the Tooth Fairy”
The Friends™ are in London for Emily and Ross’s wedding. Gee, I sure hope they don’t get COLD FEET™
And now, with this two-parter, I think I’ll go straight on next week too. I’ve still got a lot of catching up to do, and I don’t think it’ll take Rachel two whole weeks to get to London…
“The One With the Tooth Fairy”
The Friends™ are in London for Emily and Ross’s wedding. Gee, I sure hope they don’t get COLD FEET™
There’s a real sense of excitement from the characters (with the exclusion of a world weary Chandler) and also the actors. Or at least those who got an expensive holiday out of it. Phoebe’s stuck cause of her pregnancy, and Rachel is still in New York (in this part) as she can’t bring herself to attend the wedding.
I can feel the excitement too, having just been to (yet another) wedding.
It was a bit of a weird one as neither me nor my wife knew many people there. But it was impossible not to get sucked up in the joy of the situation! Like Joey, who is EXTREMELY excited about being in London. He even buys one of those awful Union Jack knick-knacks they sell to tourists.
From a man who looks suspiciously like Virgin™ owner Richard Branson.
I can feel the excitement too, having just been to (yet another) wedding.
It was a bit of a weird one as neither me nor my wife knew many people there. But it was impossible not to get sucked up in the joy of the situation! Like Joey, who is EXTREMELY excited about being in London. He even buys one of those awful Union Jack knick-knacks they sell to tourists.
From a man who looks suspiciously like Virgin™ owner Richard Branson.
Where’s my bloody broadband, Richard?
I hate those things, why is it flags and pomp always appeal more to foreigners than the people living here? I suppose it’s safer for them to flirt with nationalism from the other side, without risking all the damage it’s causing us currently.
It’s appropriate the Friends™ are travelling as the Friends™ Sofa is doing a world tour at the moment, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the show. As if anyone’s still obsessed with the show 25 years later…
Ah, this is taking me back to my holidays. Two years ago in New York, with my proposal, our jaunts to Europe last year with Real Live Friends. Isn’t being able to cross borders un-impeded awful?
One thing I don’t agree with is this idea that holidaying with friends is annoying. Chandler’s getting very irritated by Joey, and Monica’s packing gets on the girls wick. I’ve found holidaying with friends just as fun as family, I wish I did it more!
And look how happy Joey is! Snapping selfie’s like a 21st Century instagrammer with the lady from the Black Eyed Peas™.
I hate those things, why is it flags and pomp always appeal more to foreigners than the people living here? I suppose it’s safer for them to flirt with nationalism from the other side, without risking all the damage it’s causing us currently.
It’s appropriate the Friends™ are travelling as the Friends™ Sofa is doing a world tour at the moment, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the show. As if anyone’s still obsessed with the show 25 years later…
Ah, this is taking me back to my holidays. Two years ago in New York, with my proposal, our jaunts to Europe last year with Real Live Friends. Isn’t being able to cross borders un-impeded awful?
One thing I don’t agree with is this idea that holidaying with friends is annoying. Chandler’s getting very irritated by Joey, and Monica’s packing gets on the girls wick. I’ve found holidaying with friends just as fun as family, I wish I did it more!
And look how happy Joey is! Snapping selfie’s like a 21st Century instagrammer with the lady from the Black Eyed Peas™.
He’s ahead of his time with the camera there, but his map confusion makes it clear how much easier it is travelling with smart-phones. It seems most places (well, at least within the States and the EU) you can rely on Google™ Maps to not get lost. Although, unfortunately, not Morocco yet, as we found on our recent holiday there. We lost a whole afternoon trying to find the exit from the market in the Souks. Getting hotter and hotter and my wife getting more and more irritated at me not asking for directions.
It’s nice seeing London in the show, even if it’s only the landmarks I rarely go near. It’s not a hugely representative image of the city. I’m sure if I told any New Yorkers where we went on holiday they’d say the same to me.
The most “London” thing (even if it’s ridiculous and unbelievable) is probably the wedding venue being prematurely demolished. Not at our mates wedding, Emily is the one having trouble. Like all cities, London has the permanent feel of never being finished, ruins, and building sites sit alongside buildings from hundreds of years ago. With some building sites approaching the same age waiting to be finished. Here’s looking at you Crossrail™.
Thinking about it, Emily’s made quite a big impact for someone who’s hardly been in it. I really hope nothing else goes wrong with her wedding!
As Monica points out, she’s been planning this her whole life. No wonder weddings are always brilliant! I feel a little bad now for drunkenly telling the bride it was “easily my 3rd favourite wedding”. I have no memory of this, but my wife told me so it must be true. I only hope she took it the right way, as the wedding was perfect really.
Well, if there was one flaw it was me. Once again I felt the booze and food weighing me down, and, conscious of my history at these things, I hatched a cunning plan.
It was at a farm and I’d seen some very impressive looking sheep.
“I’m just going to check out those sheep for a bit” I said “I may be some time”. Putting on my best Sergeant Oates hat, I nobly left the venue, and had a nap in my car. I’m pretty sure I got away with it.
Although I’m now disappointed I didn’t actually get to see the sheep. But, in a way, I was counting sheep.
Ross, too is disappointed, but about Rachel, not the lack of sheep. It’s a little sad he doesn’t get why she can’t bring herself to go. To him he’s just being let down by a friend.
But, after failing to get over him by focusing on the negative she decides she does want to go after all. Shame she couldn’t see the episode with all his negative flashbacks like us.
You go Rachel! Go to London, be there for your loved ones. But I have to say the romance of Rachel going is undercut slightly by her leaving behind a heavily pregnant lady.
And now it’s gona take a whole week for her to get there…
Real Live Sitcom Moment:
While we wait for Rachel, I’ll tell you a bit about the kid’s birthday party last week.
There were some fun and games, and a delicious cake, but the highlight was easily my brother-in-law accidentally knocking a wobbly tooth from a kid’s mouth.
The kid was pretty non-plussed, but we all ended up scrabbling round the grass trying to find it. Eventually we gave up, with someone ominously telling the kid “don’t worry, the Tooth Fairy has ways of finding teeth.”
It’s nice seeing London in the show, even if it’s only the landmarks I rarely go near. It’s not a hugely representative image of the city. I’m sure if I told any New Yorkers where we went on holiday they’d say the same to me.
The most “London” thing (even if it’s ridiculous and unbelievable) is probably the wedding venue being prematurely demolished. Not at our mates wedding, Emily is the one having trouble. Like all cities, London has the permanent feel of never being finished, ruins, and building sites sit alongside buildings from hundreds of years ago. With some building sites approaching the same age waiting to be finished. Here’s looking at you Crossrail™.
Thinking about it, Emily’s made quite a big impact for someone who’s hardly been in it. I really hope nothing else goes wrong with her wedding!
As Monica points out, she’s been planning this her whole life. No wonder weddings are always brilliant! I feel a little bad now for drunkenly telling the bride it was “easily my 3rd favourite wedding”. I have no memory of this, but my wife told me so it must be true. I only hope she took it the right way, as the wedding was perfect really.
Well, if there was one flaw it was me. Once again I felt the booze and food weighing me down, and, conscious of my history at these things, I hatched a cunning plan.
It was at a farm and I’d seen some very impressive looking sheep.
“I’m just going to check out those sheep for a bit” I said “I may be some time”. Putting on my best Sergeant Oates hat, I nobly left the venue, and had a nap in my car. I’m pretty sure I got away with it.
Although I’m now disappointed I didn’t actually get to see the sheep. But, in a way, I was counting sheep.
Ross, too is disappointed, but about Rachel, not the lack of sheep. It’s a little sad he doesn’t get why she can’t bring herself to go. To him he’s just being let down by a friend.
But, after failing to get over him by focusing on the negative she decides she does want to go after all. Shame she couldn’t see the episode with all his negative flashbacks like us.
You go Rachel! Go to London, be there for your loved ones. But I have to say the romance of Rachel going is undercut slightly by her leaving behind a heavily pregnant lady.
And now it’s gona take a whole week for her to get there…
Real Live Sitcom Moment:
While we wait for Rachel, I’ll tell you a bit about the kid’s birthday party last week.
There were some fun and games, and a delicious cake, but the highlight was easily my brother-in-law accidentally knocking a wobbly tooth from a kid’s mouth.
The kid was pretty non-plussed, but we all ended up scrabbling round the grass trying to find it. Eventually we gave up, with someone ominously telling the kid “don’t worry, the Tooth Fairy has ways of finding teeth.”